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Health Department and Policies

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# Article Title Hits
1 Paylean ® , pST or a combination? 1695
3 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Radiation Portal Monitor Identifies Smuggling Attempt at Santa Teresa Port of Entry 1601
4 Consumer Concerns About Hormones in Food 2305
5 'Iodide' tablets seller may face charges 2347
6 Guide to Food Labeling and Advertising Chp4, Composition, Quality, Quantity and Origin Claims 1557
7 Concern Trace@Trace Mineral Drops 2263
8 Alberta organization questions Health Canada's authority 1522
9 Micronutrients - Iodine, Iron and Vitamin A 2267
10 Chap138A Pharmacy and Poisoning Regulations 1415
11 Chap. 132W Schedule7 Nutrient Reference Values 2046
12 Hong Kong Legislation Chap 132W : FOOD AND DRUGS REGULATIONS 1650
13 Proportion of school-age children population with insufficient iodine intake 1779
14 Degree of Public Health Significance of Iodine Nutrition 1490
15 Drinking Water Away From Home 1466
16 Monograph: Iodine 2114
17 1st MS pill approved in Canada 1747
18 Merck Manual Radiation Exposure and Contamination 2081
19 What's Inside Ultra-Strength Bengay? 1646
20 Tuberculosis increasing in Yemen, says Sana’a University study 1496
21 Changing epidemiology of tuberculosis in Hong Kong 2845
22 Hydrocortisone Tablets 1566
23 Codex Members 2007 1544
24 Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplement and Codex Alimentarius Commission 1981
25 Codex Alimentarius 1649
26 Downsizing Canada’s hospitals, 1986/87 to 1994/95 1468
27 Hospital downsizing and the elderly in BC 1608
28 Health Canada - Paraquat 1944
29 PUBLIC HEALTH : West Nile virus (WNv) 1443
30 TB, Tuberculosis Definition 1519
31 Mancozeb - Crop Fungicide 1657
32 Royal bank cuts a loan - hospital beds close 1685
33 Another emergency room to close this weekend 1492
34 Over 100 more hospital beds for Calgary 1608
35 CBC News, Canada: 350 acute-care beds closing. 1477
36 Shortage of hospital beds, cancelled surgeries common across Canada 1895
37 CBC News – Montreal – Quebec criticized for hospital waits 1500
38 Hundreds of Alberta hospital beds to close 1548
39 P.E.I. hospital beds to close over holidays 1630
40 500 hospital jobs go to save £50m 1545
41 Monograph: Curcumin - Health Canada 2349
42 Food and Drug Regulations - Project Number 1656 - Schedule F (Tryptophan) 1758
43 Food and Drug Regulations - Project 1594 - Schedule F 1828
44 ED Problem Result of Bed Shortages, doctors contend 1477
45 Rule-of-Law in China concerns Hongkongers. 1625
46 FDA Warning - Statins can cause muscle damage 2770