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Mercy's chocolate Mousse recipe


Good Mousse Recipe

can work as a birthday cake


  • 100 grams 85% chocolate
  • 140 grams 70% chocolate
  • eggs - 2 large or 3 medium or 4 small
  • 4 tablespoons butter (60ml)
  • 240 ml. Whipping cream (85% fat), avoid UHT, also called heavy cream


  • double boiler (a small pot in a larger pot)
  • hand wisk or egg beater
  • 3 wisking bowels
  • serving bowl


simmer water in lower pot of double boiler
in upper pot of double boiler, melt butter and chocholate together, stir occassionally
separate eggs with yolks in one wisk bowl and whites into another, room temperature
put whipping cream in third wisking bowl, room temperature
once butter and chocolate warm and mixed remove from heat to let cool to room temp
wisk all three bowls, yolks, whites and cream separately, about half a minute each
could use egg beater if you like
put all into the larger pot / double boiler and fold together
Option: add some rum / whiskey / congnac to taste and fold in
pour into serving bowl
refridgerate at least one hour
can last in fridge for 5 days with plastic cover
best taste and texture on second or third day
can decorate with some chocolate bits, candles or other bits

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