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Topic: PMS


A normal menstrual cycle happens every 28 days for a duration of flow (menses) of around 3.5 days.  Excessive flow, prolonger period, high pain and irregular timing is not normal.  Irregularities are most often fixable.

Hormones work by alowing things to happen over time.  I compare this to the time it takes to mail a letter and then for a specific person to receive it, and then reply to it by mail.  This allows the body to set up timing based on hours, time of day, time of month and time of year.  Hormones are produced by specific tissues and are sent to specific receptors.  Not everyone is involved in the hormones and they are somewhat private to affect certain parts and not the whole body. One set of hormones might not directly affect another set but often many sets are out of balance at the same time.  Fixing one may improve the function of another one.  It is a good idea to consider all timed bodily functions as a means to fixing menstrual cycle problems.

An example is that the thyuroid releases a pulse of hormones about an hour before normal bed time to stimulate the heart and with this it release some lithium at the same time to calm the brain into sleep patterns.  Then about an hour after falling asleep the repair hormones called growth hormones kick in and as a kid we know this as growing pains in the early night.  Then around four am the steroid hormones kick in and there is a rise in testosterone.  Also through the night there is an increase is cortisol levels to help with the repair and this increases the immune system to allow us to sleep better.  The cortisol comes directly from progesterone and this is highly involved with the menstrual cycle.  So if your cycle is off there is a good chance that the day/night cycle is also off with a weakening of the immune system.  Sometime this comes as just being tired all the time.  Fixing one helps to fix the other.

The immune system needs a good amount of arginine that is high in legunes which is highes in peanuts.  The arginine is reduced when we take in a lot of lysine that is high in low fat dairy and includes whey protein.

All steroid hormones, and there are many, come from the good cholesterol that is rich in egg yolks.  Eating egg yolks improves hormones and these control the menstrula cycle.

The thickness of blood is highly involved in menses.  When the blood is thick we also have an accumulation of blood rich tissue in the uterus in preparation for pregnancy.  If the egg is not fertilized the hormones thin the blood and there is a disintegration of the uterin lining to cause the flow.  The thickness of blood is under womb control from Vitamin K.  This vitamin comes from green leafy plants and fish meal mostly in the diet but a large part also comes from friendly flora in the bowel.  A person with constipation or diarrhea will have reduced levels and this could affect menses.

The effect of vitamin K is to trap or release calcium.  Excess calcium will thicken the blood and potential increase the accumulation of tissue and then excessive flow.  At the other end of the spectrum low calcium could cause less accumulation of tissue and reduced flow during menses.

A hormone from the thyroid that helps to control calcium levels is found in salmon oil.

A good combo to help ease PMS symptoms is salmon oil and vitamin K. The salmon oil will block absorption of calcium and keeps it in the bones. Vitamin K keeps the calcium from depositing along the arteries, including those to the brain and ovaries, improving mood and easing pain. Eating eggs and shrimp helps to improve hormone levels.

This is not intended to make any claim nor is it intended to be a diagnosis.  It is my opinion. -- Bryon

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