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Articles by Various Authors

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# Article Title Hits
1 Osteomyelitis antibiotics 971
2 Cowboy to soy boy 2921
3 Lymph discovered in brain 1883
4 43% human, 57% germs 2206
5 Cream types and definitions 1591
6 Paid to lie about sugar 3146
7 Probiotics may cure autism 3031
8 Soy, Vegan, Fertility 3107
9 Fatty Fish Cancer 2404
10 The Cholesterol Question 2856
11 Defensins - Glutathione - Fertility - Immune System 2325
12 Diet Affects Sperm Count 4403
13 The Herxheimer Reaction 4825
14 Soybean Oil: One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods 2750
15 The Facts about Paylean® 1982
16 Why Has the FDA Allowed a Drug Marked 'Not Safe for Use in Humans' to Be Fed to Livestock Right Before Slaughter? 1709
17 Russia Throws Poisonous Meat Back to U.S. 1727
18 Raw lettuce with E.coli at KFC / Taco Bell 1940
19 Fat Chance : Fat is Good 1799
20 Hardy bananas proving boon for Indian farmers 2193
21 Phytoestrogen cancer risk. 1729
22 Fructose: Sweet, But Dangerous 2227
23 The Hidden and Pervasive Cause of High Blood Pressure 2190
24 How fructose and HFCS increase uric acid and give you high blood pressure 2047
25 Fructose May Raise Blood Pressure 2095
26 How fructose causes erectile dysfunction 4554
27 'Natural' breakfast cereals loaded with pesticides and GMOs - explosive new scorecard from Cornucopia reveals all 2039
28 Treatments and drugs 2026
29 Cancer Now Leading Cause of Death in China 2675
30 Dirty Medicine 1838
31 Heart Disease and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Testing 1858
32 Late Dr. John C. Lowe's articles of Thyroid 6846
33 What Your Hypothyroid Patients Should Know about Synthroid 1759
34 Air Hunger to Death: Breathing Problems of Hypothyroid Patients 6144
35 Pregnant Women and Their Newborns: Among the Victims of T4 Replacement Pregnant Women and Their Newborns: 1714
36 Weight Gain and the TSH: Prevention Writer's Good Deed 3288
37 Stability, Effectiveness, and Safety of Desiccated Thyroid vs Levothyroxine 3373
38 Hypothyroidism, Particularly Associated with Weight Loss: Evaluation and Treatment based on Symptoms and Thyroid Hormone Levels 1925
39 TSH is Not the Answer: Rationale for a New Paradigm to Evaluate and Treat Hypothyroidism, Particularly Associated with Weight Loss 2411
40 What Is a Sterol? 1622
41 Beer-glass shape alters people's drinking speed - study 1918
42 Caffeine: the New Treatment for Parkinson’s? 3463
43 Coffee Drinking Linked to Less Depression in Women 1911
44 A placebo-controlled study of retinal blood flow changes by pentoxifylline and metabolites in humans 1491
45 About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs 2216
46 Soy Oil Mistaken as Healthful 2204
47 Soy damage to unborn babies and loss of fertility. 2371
48 Breast Cancer and Cancer Bacteria - Suppressed and forgotten cancer microbe research could hold the key to the cause and cure of this dread disease 2824
49 Get off of Lipitor 2447
50 What is a Low Fat Diet? 2129
51 Salmonella Outbreak Again Tied to Ohio Hatchery 1828
52 Two major studies conclude that saturated fat does NOT cause heart disease 2419
53 What if bad fat isn’t so bad? 2605
54 Cholesterol Abnormalities & Diabetes 1975
55 Is CRP A Better Predictor of Heart Attack Risk than Serum Cholesterol? 2567
56 Interview with Dr Lowe; inventor of Thyro-Gold 6239
57 Elsevier Controversy 1987
58 Soy - Fertility 2649
59 Global sperm counts dropping!!!! 1892
60 Bill Gates Foundation Buys 500,000 Shares of Monsanto 1785
61 Bill Gates And Monsanto Team Up To Fight World Hunger 1850
62 Why your sofa may harm your health 1647
63 Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drug Increases Cancer Risk 1780
64 Take Two Aspirin And Some Bacteria 2134
65 Weight Gain Follows Hyperthyroidism Treatment 2057
66 Could red wine help us keep fit and thin at 120? 1964
67 Heart stopping bugs 1570
68 Dogs Dig Salmon Oil & Snacks 1611
69 Vital Choice Fish Pass the Test with Flying Colors 1802
70 How To Charge $1.6 Million For a New Drug And Get Away With It 1773
71 White rice increases risk of Type II diabetes [Fraud] 1813
72 Walnuts Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By Half In Animal Studies 1676
73 Mice Who Tear Their Fur Out and The Psychiatrists Who Treat Them 1746
74 The Fungus, Yeast, Mould Connection to Cancer 1875
75 Heart Disease Risk and C-reactive Protein (CRP) 2216
76 Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields 1994
77 Cells from osteoarthritic knees have abnormally shortened telomeres 1683
78 Heart attacks caused by bacteria -
79 Why Women Quit Breast Cancer Drugs Early 2294
80 Low maternal cholesterol tied to premature birth 2370
81 Current Cholesterol Guidelines may not Prevent Heart Attack 1779
82 People with high cholesterol live the longest 1759
83 Red wine polyphenols help prevent brain damage in rat model of stroke 2074
85 Soy - Brain Damage 2577
87 Larger Breasts the Natural Way 1493
88 Trans-palmitoleic acid against diabets 1697
89 Progesterone and Senility 1555
90 Thyroid Q & As 1508
91 Scientists develop a fatty 'kryptonite' to defeat multidrug-resistant 'Super bugs' 1654
92 Don’t Be Sour: Try Vinegar 2004
93 Top 10 Uses for Vinegar 1892
94 Vinegar Uses for Health, Skin and hair 2158
95 Mycoplasma And Chlamydia Cause Arthritis 1836
96 Mycoplasma Arthritis Antibodies Israel Joints Inflammation Cytokines 1629
97 Taurine 2320
99 Court overturns Ohio ban on rbST-free milk labeling 1764
100 Milk and Hormones Fact Sheet 1899
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